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Sunday, March 11, 2007

Nature of Atman

Drops of rain when they condense in the clouds are colourless and odourless. But upon landing on this land, they take up the colour appropriate to the place of landing. If it has landed in the red sand, it takes a red colour, if it lands in clay soil it takes a blackish colour. The drop that lands in the sea tastes salty, and that which landed in the gutter gets a displeasing stench. But take that drop of water and boil it and once it evaporates it leaves the characteristics it took on while here and vapourises to become pure water vapour which when condensed forms pure water. Similarly, we began from Paramathma, and upon taking this birth imbibe the characteristics and become impure. To become pure and to realize the Paramathma, we must undergo severe tests and hope to loose the acquired colour and odour. By constant Sadhana, we have to get rid of the impurities accumulated in this birth and become one with Paramathma again.

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