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Monday, July 09, 2007

Circle of Influence

Every person has a circle of influence. Meaning he can influence the decisions and actions of those people who lie within the circle. Swamiji has a big circle of influence. Generally speaking – the great people have very big circles of influence. Take the great leaders, their circle of influence is really big. The biggest, I might venture to say is that of Jesus. His circle of influence is virtually the whole Christian world. Meaning to say, his thought can influence every one who surrenders to him and reside within his circle of influence. Similarly of the Great leaders like Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King, Buddha, and many others.

Swamiji really helps only those who surrender to enter that circle of influence. If you just ask for his help without surrendering, it is of no use and Swamiji will not be able to help you. If you do not enter the circle of influence – he will not be able to influence your destiny. There fore you face the consequences of your actions (of not surrendering)- so to speak “swayamkritha aparatham”. Moreover, in most cases, Swamiji uses the subject himself to be cause of change by influencing his/her actions thereby changing their destiny.

To be more practical, Swamiji, gives you advice on how to act and then promises divine intervention. Only by acceding to his thought and acting upon them, his influence on you will remain. Thereby rid of the trouble you are facing. Those who do not accept his advices and ignoring them, put themselves outside his circle of influence. Thereby there can be no change in the situation.

One of the reasons we do not enter Swamiji’s circle of influence is that we hold a certain amount of doubt about him or that we are not in total agreement with his thoughts. In most cases we are selective in taking heed to his advices. We ignore some by putting our own thoughts to the foreground. As a result we are not total in our surrendrance to his circle of influence thereby have to face the consequences.

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